Great Western Railway Collett Coaches

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The 1935 Excursion sets were followed by another 12 coach set ordered in 1937 and outshopped in 1938.   12 open thirds were orderd in April 1938 and 6 more open thirds and a pair of open brake thirds in May 1939.   All but the first set were delivered in 1940 and probably never formed into their sets.   These designs differed from the 1935/7 sets in that they were slightly narrower and 11" longer.
Width over cornices 8' 9
Width over body at waist 8' 11
Width over handles 9' 3
Height to gutters 10' 1¾
Height to top of roof 12' 3¾
Height over ventilators 12' 9½
Length over sides 60' 11¼
Wheelbase 51' 6


third saloon, centre-corridor, 2 lavatories

2 doors each side, one at the right hand end and the other in the middle
lavatories diametrically opposite each other at left end
each saloon has 3 bays of seats at each side, the 4th bay at the end has a half bay adjacent to the lavatory.

10 built in 1938

12 built in 1939

6 built in 1940

1530 to 1539

626 to 637

644 to 649

All were condemned in 1964/5.

brake third saloon, centre-corridor, 2 lavatories

1 door each side at the end
both lavatories are adjacent to the doors
4 bays of seats in a single saloon

2 built in 1938 1541 & 1542 Both were condemned in 1964.

brake third saloon, centre-corridor, 2 lavatories

1 door each side at the end
both lavatories are adjacent to the doors
5 bays of seats in a single saloon

2 built in 1940 650 & 651
No. 650 @ Kidderminster 2018 © Nathan Williamson
Both were condemned in 1964/5.

Under Construction.  This project is definitely work in progress. If you would like to receive an email when I update these pages please contact me through the Carriage Sheds.

© 2015 - 2022 Richard Spratt - all rights reserved
GWR Coaches -- -- Richard Spratt

R Spratt collection, 1071