Great Western Short Coaches

Selected S1 Third Class Numbers and Scrapping Dates

Second Third Date to third Scrapped
287 885 1909 1917
288 279 1911 1921
289 275 1899 1912
290 470 1903 1912
291 164 1899 1925
311 284 1911 1914
313 287 1910 1915
314 363 1902 1912
315 288 1911 1920
318 241 1895 1914
327 473 1899 1912
328 184 1909 1916
329 294 1911 1922
331 297 1912 1925
333 491 1899 1915
376 102 1909 1925
379 246 1896 1916
382 474 1899 1912
384 101 1909 1925
385 281 1895 1914
© 2015 - Richard Spratt - all rights reserved
GWR Coaches -- -- Richard Spratt 2021 -