Great Western Railway Dean Era Coaches

Note: After 1907 first class coaches had 8000 added to their number and composites had 6000 added to their number.

Diagram Dimensions
Length x Width
Lewis Class. No. Built Numbers

4 compartment first
with saloon and
2 lavatories

50' x 9'(over bay windows),
8'6 (over doors and ends)

6'4 Dean bogies

39'6 wheelbase

Bay Window 1 built in 1890 (8)254
JN Slinn collection
First corridor train for Birkenhead service formed of 4 coaches: A1, C6, C7 & D5

Built with side corridor, later rebuilt with centre gangway as shown in the drawing

1932 - 8254


4 compartment first
with saloon and
2 lavatories

50' x 8'6

8'6 Dean bogies

42' wheelbase

CEE7W 4 built in 1893 (8)255 to (8)258
JN Slinn collection


Built with side corridor as shown in the drawing, later rebuilt with centre gangway

8257 & 8258 converted to A14 which has only 4 seats per compartment

1932 - 8255 to 8258


4 compartment first
with saloon and
2 lavatories

50' x 8'6'

10' Dean bogies

42' wheelbase

CEE7W 4 built in 1896 (8)259 to (8)262
JN Slinn collection
Ocean Special. When built these were formed into 2 8 coach sets along with C12, C13 - 2 off, E46, K9 & K10

1932 - 8259 to 8262


4 compartment first
with saloon and
2 lavatories

56' x 8'6'

10' Dean bogies

48' wheelbase

Royal Clerestory 1 built in 1897 (8)283
JN Slinn collection
1932 - 8283

Corridor open first and
2 lavatories

52' x 8'6'

10' Dean bogies

44' wheelbase

CEE7W 1 built in 1900

1 built in 1901



JN Slinn collection
Milford Boat Sets. The 1900 train was the first GWR train fitted with electric lighting.
One 5 coach train formed in 1900 of D32 - 2 off, C18, H5 & A6
One 5 coach train formed in 1901 of D36 - 2 off, C18, H6, A6.

1938 - 8294

1940 - 8229


5 compartment first
with saloon and
2 lavatories

58' x 8'6

10' Dean bogies

48' wheelbase

CEE7W 2 built in 1902

4 built in 1902

(8)314 and (8)315

(8)319 to (8)322

R Spratt collection, 9905 ex 8321

lav, 5x 1st, lav, 2 bay saloon

A7 had a wider side corridor than A8

JN Slinn collection

8315 to Camping Coach 9900

8321 to Camping Coach 9905

Both 8315 & 8321 were in Ambulance Train 44 until 1952

All condemned by June 1952


5 compartment first
with saloon and
2 lavatories

3 built in 1902 (8)316 to (8)318 8317 was in Ambulance Train 44 until 1949

All condemned by 1953


4 compartment side corridor second with luggage, 2 lavatories and smoking lounge

50' x 9'(over bay windows),
8'6 (over doors and ends)

6'4 Dean bogies

39'6 wheelbase

Bay Window 1 built in 1890 Second class(5)253
Third class 3731

JN Slinn collection
First corridor train for Birkenhead service formed of 4 coaches: A1, C6, C7 & D5

Built with side corridor, later rebuilt with centre gangway as shown in the drawing

Condemned by 1948.


7 compartment side corridor third with 2 lavatories and smoking lounge

50' x 9'(over bay windows),
8'6 (over doors and ends)

6'4 Dean bogies

39'6 wheelbase

Bay Window 1 built in 1890 255
JN Slinn collection

JN Slinn collection

First corridor train for Birkenhead service formed of 4 coaches: A1, C6, C7 & D5

Built with side corridor as shown in the top drawing, later rebuilt with centre gangway as shown in the bottom drawing

Condemned by 1948.


5 compartment third
with saloon and
2 lavatories

Built with side corridor, later rebuilt with centre gangway

52' x 8'6

8'6 Dean bogies

44' wheelbase

CEE7W 10 built in 1893 2833 to 2842
JN Slinn collection - as originally built with side corridor

© GWR - 2835 - as originally built with side corridor

lav, 5x 3rd, lav, 3 bay saloon

© HMRS - as rebuilt with centre gangway

2833, 2839, 2841 & 2842 converted to Auto Trailers 14, 16, 15 & 17 diagrams G, H, G1 & H

2834 & 2840 converted to Tri-Composite Sleepers

The last of the remaining 3, 2836, was condemned in 1950.


4 compartment second
with saloon
2 lavatories
and luggage

52' x 8'6'

8'6 Dean bogies

42' wheelbase

CEE7W 10 built in 1893 Second class(5)249 to (5)252
Third class 3723 to 3726

JN Slinn collection
Built with side corridor as shown in the drawing, later rebuilt with centre gangway

All condemned by 1951, with 3724 being the last.


4 compartment third
with 2 saloons and
2 lavatories

50' x 8'6

8'6 Dean bogies

42' wheelbase

CEE7W 3 converted from J4 Composite Sleeper, initally to 2nd/3rd composite and then to all thirds in 1910 when 2nd class when discontinued Composites (7)1595, (7)1596 & (7)1600

Thirds 3148, 3172 & 3173

JN Slinn collection
Condemned by 1948.

5 compartment second
with saloon and
2 lavatories

50' x 8'6

8'6 Dean bogies

42' wheelbase

CEE7W 2 built in 1896 Second class:
(5)243 & (5)344

third class
3729 & 3730

JN Slinn collection
Ocean Special. When built these were formed into 2 8 coach sets along with A3, C13 - 2 off, E46, K9 & K10

Condemned by 1948.


5 compartment third
with saloon
2 lavatories

54' x 8'6'

10' Dean bogies

46' wheelbase

CEE7W 8 built in 1896

in 2 batches

2989 to 2992

2985 to 2988

JN Slinn collection
Ocean Special. When built these were formed into 2 8 coach sets along with A3 - 2 off, C12, E46, K9 & K10

South Wales Corridor Sets. When built these were formed into 2 9 coach sets along with D18, D26 & E47 & E48 4 off

Most condemned by 1948 with 2986 lasting until 1951.

South Wales Corridor set behind 3297 ca 1890-1903 formed: D26, E47, C13, C13, D18, E48a, E48a, a.n.other © L&GRP 21315

7 compartment composite
with 4 lavatories

later 7 compartment third
with 4 lavatories

56' x 8'6

10' Dean bogies

48' wheelbase

CEE7W 10 built in 1897

10 built in 1900

(6)945 to (6)954

to Thirds 3708 to 3717


(7)1601 to (7)1610

to Thirds 3162 to 3171

JN Slinn collection

© GWR - 1952

lav, 4x 3rd, 2x lav, 3x 2nd, lav

Condemned by the end of 1949.

8 compartment composite
with 2 lavatories

JN Slinn collection

Central 2 lavatories were converted to an additional compartment.  Once source says the exterior panels were unaltered, but this drawing appears to contradict that!


5 compartment third
with saloon and
2 lavatories

54' x 10'

Dean bogies

46' wheelbase

CEE7W 10 built in 1897

20 built in 1898

40 built in 1899 in three lots

10 built in 1902 in 2 lots

3133 to 3142

3143 to 3162

3163 to 3182

3218 to 3227

3228 to 3237

3238 to 3241

3242 to 3247

R Spratt collection, 3243

lav, 5x 1st, lav, saloon

JN Slinn collection


Photo of DW157 by Paul Bartlett

Nearly all of these coaches had an additional pair of doors fitted to divide the saloon.

3243 to Camping Coach 9909 in 1952

3148 & 3152 converted to Auto Trailers 18 & 35 diagrams M & M1

3150 converted to Breakdown Van 157 in 1950

3162 renumbered 3691 and
3163 to 3173 renumbered 3692 to 3702

All condemned by the end of 1952


Centre corridor third
2 lavatories

54' x 10'

Dean bogies

46' wheelbase

CEE7W 1 built in 1900

1 built in 1901



JN Slinn collection
Milford Boat Sets. The 1900 train was the first GWR train fitted with electric lighting.
One 5 coach train formed in 1900 of D32 - 2 off, C18, H5 & A6
One 5 coach train formed in 1901 of D36 - 2 off, C18, H6, A6.

1938 - 2840

1940 - 2834


5 compartment second with smoking lounge and
2 lavatories

51' x 10'

Dean bogies

43' wheelbase

CEE7W 5 built in 1902 in 2 batches (5)228 to (5)230

to Thirds 3720 to 3722



to Thirds 3718 & 3719

JN Slinn collection

8 compartment second/third composite
and 2 lavatories

56' x 8'

10' Dean bogies

48' wheelbase

CEE7W 5 built in 1902 in 2 batches (7)623 to (7)625

to Thirds 3703 to 3705



to Thirds 3706 & 3707

JN Slinn collection

corridor third

50' x 8'6

8'6 Dean bogies

42' wheelbase

CEE7W 1 converted from J4 Composite Sleeper Composite (7)1599

Third 3152


5 compartment brake third
1 lavatory

50' x 9'(over bay windows),
8'6 (over doors and ends)

6'4 Dean bogies

39'6 wheelbase

Bay Window 1 built in 1890 220 First corridor train for Birkenhead service formed of 4 coaches: A1, C6, C7 & D5

Built with side corridor, later rebuilt with centre gangway.

1933 - 220

D10 and D78

4 compartment brake third with side corridor

Later rebuilt with centre gangway

56' x 8'6

8'6 Dean bogies

48' wheelbase

CEE7W 10 built in 1893 2823 to 2832 D10 as running in late 1930s

R Spratt collection, 2825

4x 3rd, lav, guard, luggage

2826* - 1932

2827*, 2831 - 1936

2825*, 2828* - 1938

2829* - 1939

2832* - 1940

* - Could be D11

Guards lookouts removed became D78

2830 - 1935

D11 and D79

4 compartment brake third with side corridor

Later rebuilt with centre gangway

A D11 as built with side corridor.

JN Slinn collection


2825 to 2829 & 2832 could be D11 as there is no clear record in the carriage register
Guards lookouts removed became D79

2823 - 1938

2824 - 1940


3 compartment brake second with 2 lavatories and side corridor

Later rebuilt with centre gangway

56' x 8'6

8'6 Dean bogies

48' wheelbase

CEE7W 2 built in 1893 (5)247 & (5)248

Thirds 3727 & 3728

© GWR - (5)247

2nd, lav 2x 2nd, lav, guard, luggage

Both had the Guard's lookouts removed in 1927/28

3727, 3728 - 1939


3 compartment brake third
with 1 lavatory

56' x 8'6

10' Dean bogies

48' wheelbase

CEE7W 2 built in 1896 2983 & 2984
JN Slinn collection

South Wales Corridor Sets. When built these were formed into 2 9 coach sets along with C13 - 2 off, D26 & E47 & E48 - 4 off

Both had the Guard's lookouts removed in 1923/27

2983 - 1939

2984 - 1949


Dining brake first
(open saloon seating 16)
with 1 lavatory

56' x 8'6

10' Dean bogies

48' wheelbase

CEE7W 1 built in 1897 253 Converted to brake third 2330 in 1910

Two extra doors fitted each side of open compartment in 1914

Guard's lookouts removed in 1921

1938 - 2330

D20 and D81

3 compartment brake third
with 1 lavatory

56' x 8'6

10' Dean bogies

48' wheelbase

CEE7W 6 built in 1897 2052 to 2057 1939 - 2056
Guard's lookouts removed became D81

1931 - 2052

1936 - 2053

1938 - 2057

1939 - 2054, 2055

D25 and D74

3 compartment brake third
with 1 lavatory

56' x 8'6

10' Dean bogies

48' wheelbase

CEE7W 10 built in 1896 3371 to 3380
JN Slinn collection
1938 - 3378        1939 - 3372, 3379        1950 - 3375
Guards lookouts removed became D74

3373 formed part of the Experimental Electric Train in 1909

1938 - 3373        1939 - 3374        1946 - 3376

1947 - 3371, 3380        1949 - 3377

D26, H21 and D113

3 compartment brake second
with 1 lavatory

56' x 8'6

10' Dean bogies

48' wheelbase

CEE7W 2 built in 1896 245 & 246
D26 © L&GRP 21315
Built as South Wales Corridor Sets formed into 2 9 coach sets along with C13 - 2 off, D18, D26, E47, E48a & E48b

Altered to brake composites (2 first class and 1 second class compartments) (7)1510 & (7)1511 in 1905.

Altered to Buffet brake thirds (1 kitchen, 1 pantry & 2 third class compartments) 3732 & 3734 in 1912

3734 altered to 2 compartment brake third with 2 lavatories D113 in 1932

1930 - 3732

1938 - 3734

D28 and D77

5 compartment brake third
with 1 lavatory

56' x 8'6

10' Dean bogies

48' wheelbase

CEE7W 4 built in 1898 2048 to 2051
JN Slinn collection
All had their guards lookouts removed became D77

1938 - 2051

1939 - 2048, 2049

1940 - 2050

D29 and D70

3 compartment brake third
with 1 lavatory

56' x 8'6

10' Dean bogies

48' wheelbase

CEE7W 30 built in 1899 in 3 lots

11 built in 1902 in 3 lots

13 built in 1903 in 2 lots

3361 to 3370

3351 to 3360

3301 to 3310

3445 to 3448

3305 (second time)

3449 to 3454

2332 to 2336

2337 to 2341

D29, JN Slinn collection

D29, no.3358, R Spratt collection

D70, R Spratt collection

3305 altered to brake composite (2x 1st & 1x 2nd) 714 in 1902 and then to brake third 3733 in 1912

3307 altered to brake second 280 in 1902 and back to brake third in 1910

3308 altered to brake second 281 in 1902 and back to brake third in 1909

1911 - 2340 1935 - 3450 1938 - 3359

1939 - 3306, 3308, 3353, 3363, 3364, 3368, 3369, 3448, 3733

1940 - 3307, 3357 1942 - 3347 1943 - 2337  1945 - 3303

1946 - 2334, 3351, 3355, 3366

1947 - 2332, 3305, 3309, 3354

1948 - 3301, 3365, 3370, 3346

1949 - 2335, 2336, 2338, 3356, 3362, 3453

1950 - 2341, 3302, 3358, 3361

1953 - 3445 No Date - 3451

Guards lookouts removed became D70

2339 converted to Mess & Travelling Van 14514

3449 converted to Mess & Travelling Coach 14124

3454 converted to Mess & Travelling Coach 14158

1936 - 3367 1938 - 3360 1939 - 3304, 3452

1948 - 2333, 3449, 3454

1949 - 2339, 3310, 3352

D30, D35 and D73

4 compartment brake third (Right Hand)
with 1 lavatory

D30 and D31 are Right and Left Hand pairs.

56' x 8'6

10' Dean bogies

48' wheelbase

CEE7W 5 built in 1899

10 built in 1900

2084 to 2086, 2813, 2815

3423 to 3432

D30 no. 2085, © GWR

D30 © HL Salmon 1485

2084 converted to Engineering Dept. Tool Van 14174

2086 to brake composite (2x 2nd & 2x 3rd) 869 in 1900 and back to brake third in 1910

1938 - 3424 1939 - 2813, 3431, 3432 1947 - 3428

1948 - 2084, 2086 1949 - 2815, 3425

3423 converted to D35 Brake Third Tea Car in 1909/10. This involved converting the 2 compartments adjacent to the guards compartment into a pantry and counter. Converted to 2 compartment brake third in 1934

1949 - 3423

Guards lookouts removed became D73

2084 to Engineering Department Tool Van 14174

1938 - 3429 1939 - 3427 1949 - 2085, 3426 1951 - 3430

D31, D34 and D72

4 compartment brake third (Left Hand)
with 1 lavatory

D30 and D31 are Right and Left Hand pairs.

56' x 8'6

10' Dean bogies

48' wheelbase

CEE7W 5 built in 1899

10 built in 1900

2059, 2060, 2064, 2082 & 2083

3413 to 3422

D31, © LPC
2082 to brake composite (2x 2nd & 2x 3rd) 868 in 1900 and back to brake third in 1911

1931 - 3422 1941 - 3421 1949 - 3419

3413, 3414, 3416, 3418, 3420 converted to D34 Brake Third Tea Car in 1909/10. This involved converting the 2 compartments adjacent to the guards compartment into a pantry and counter. Converted to 2 compartment brake third in 1934

1935 - 3420 1936 - 3416 1937 - 3414 1939 - 3413, 3418

Guards lookouts removed became D72

1938 - 3415 1939 - 2060, 2064 1947 - 2082

1948 - 2083, 3417 1949 - 2059


3 compartment brake third
with 1 lavatory

Centre gangway & sliding doors to the luggage compartment

56' x 8'6

10' Dean bogies

48' wheelbase

CEE7W 2 built in 1900 3411 & 3412 Milford Boat Sets. The 1900 train was the first GWR train fitted with electric lighting.
One 5 coach train formed in 1900 of D32 - 2 off, C18, H5 & A6
One 5 coach train formed in 1901 of D36 - 2 off, C18, H6 & A6.

One Right Hand brake and one Left Hand brake

1938 - 3411, 3412


Dining brake first kitchen
(open saloon seating 16)
with 1 lavatory

56' x 8'6

10' Dean bogies

48' wheelbase

CEE7W 4 built in 1900 295 to 298 Converted to Dining brake thirds 2327 to 2329 & 2331 in 1910

Two extra doors fitted each side of open compartment in 1915

Guard's lookouts removed in 1926/7

1937 - 2331 1938 - 2329 1939 - 2328 1940 - 2327


3 compartment brake third
with 1 lavatory

Centre gangway & sliding doors to the luggage compartment

56' x 8'6

10' Dean bogies

48' wheelbase

CEE7W 2 built in 1901 3433 to 3434
D36, no.3443, © GWR
Milford Boat Sets. The 1900 train was the first GWR train fitted with electric lighting.
One 5 coach train formed in 1900 of D32 - 2 off, C18, H5 & A6
One 5 coach train formed in 1901 of D36 - 2 off, C18, H6 & A6.

3433 - Right Hand brake
3434 - Left Hand brake

1940 - 3433, 3434

D40 and D41

3 compartment brake second (then third)
with 1 lavatory

56' x 8'6

10' Dean bogies

48' wheelbase

CEE7W 1 built in 1902

5 built in 1903


to Third 2340


5221 to 5225

to Thirds 3546 to 3550

JN Slinn collection
1940 - 3548

1945 - 3546

1948 - 3550

1949 - 2340, 3549

Guards lookouts removed became D41

1938 - 3547


4 compartment composite with 2 smoking saloons and 3 lavatories and side corridor

Later rebuilt with centre gangway

56' x 8'6

8'6 Dean bogies

48' wheelbase

CEE7W 2 built in 1893 (7)1597 & (7)1598
JN Slinn collection

6 compartment composite with 4 lavatories

4 first and 2 second class compartments

55' x 8'6

10' Dean bogies

47' wheelbase

CEE7W 2 built in 1896 (7)1405 & (7)1406
JN Slinn collection
Ocean Special. When built these were formed into 2 8 coach sets along with A3 - 2 off, C12, C13 - 2 off, K9 & K10

Middle 2 toilets removed and converted to a second/third class compartment in 1908 and 1910 respectively.


2 compartment composite with 2 smoking lounges and 3 lavatories

52' x 8'6

10' Dean bogies

44' wheelbase

CEE7W 2 built in 1896 (7)1590 & (7)1591
JN Slinn collection

E47 - notice there are only 4 doors on this side © L&GRP 21315

South Wales Corridor Sets. When built these were formed into 2 9 coach sets along with C13 - 2 off, D18, D26 & E48 - 4 off

1938 - 7591

1939 - 7590


4½ compartment brake tri composite with a smoking lounge and 3 lavatories

56' x 8'6

10' Dean bogies

48' wheelbase

CEE7W 8 built in 1896 (7)1220 to (7)1227
JN Slinn collection
South Wales Corridor Sets. When built these were formed into 2 9 coach sets along with C13 - 2 off, D18, D26, E47 & E48 - 4 off

1904 - 7227

Corridor end rebuilt to modern layout by early 1920s as per diagram E48b


6 compartment brake composite with 2 lavatories

7 converted by early 1920s (7)1220 to (7)1224, (7)1226 & (7)1227
JN Slinn collection

E48b © Blencowe 36992

1936 - 7226

1938 - 7223 to Mobile Canteen, renumbered 4 Mess and Tool Van, condemned 1951, 7225

1939 - 7222,

Guards lookouts removed became E105

1938 - 7221

1939 - 7220, 7224


6 compartment composite with 4 lavatories

3 first class and 3 second class compartments

55' x 8'6

10' Dean bogies

47' wheelbase

CEE7W 10 built in 1896 (7)1407 to (7)1416
JN Slinn collection

Very similar to E64.   The differences are in interal dimensions of the toilets and side corridor.

E53 original design with 4 lavatories 3 first class and 3 second class compartments.  Conversions to E54 and E92 occurred between 1902 and 1912.
E54 middle 2 lavatories converted to a second/third class compartment

7408, 7410 to 7014

E92 middle 2 lavatories converted to a first class compartment

7407, 7409, 7415, 7416


6 compartment composite with 4 lavatories

3 first class and 3 second class compartments

55' x 8'6

10' Dean bogies

47' wheelbase

CEE7W 15 built in 1898

10 built in 1899

(7)1421 to (7)135

(7)1436 to (7)145

JN Slinn collection

Very similar to E53   The differences are in interal dimensions of the toilets and side corridor.

E64 original design with 4 lavatories 3 first class and 3 second class compartments.  Conversions to E65 and E66 occurred between 1902 and 1912.

1911 - 7422

E65 middle 2 lavatories converted to a second/third class compartment

7424 to 7427, 7430, 7432, 7433, 7436, 7437, 7439, 7441, 7442

E66 middle 2 lavatories converted to a first class compartment (see also E70)

7421, 7423, 7428, 7429, 7431, 7434, 7435, 7438, 7440, 7443 to 7445


6 compartment composite with 4 lavatories

4 first class and 2 second class compartments

55' x 8'6

10' Dean bogies

47' wheelbase

CEE7W 10 built in 1900 (7)1446 to (7)1455
JN Slinn collection
E68 original design with 4 lavatories 4 first class and 2 second class compartments
E69 middle 2 lavatories converted to a second/third class compartment.  All were converted to E69 between 1902 and 1912.

6 compartment composite with 4 lavatories

55' x 8'6

10' Dean bogies

47' wheelbase

CEE7W 16 built in 1902 in 2 lots (7)1456 to (7)1461

(7)1462 to (7)1471

E70 original design with 4 lavatories 3 first class and 3 second class compartments.  The same diagram also covers the conversion of the middle 2 lavatories to a second/third class compartment.

7456 to 7458, 7461 to 7463, 7467, 7468, 7471

E66 middle 2 lavatories converted to a first class compartment (see also E64)

7459, 7460, 7464 to 7466, 7469, 7470


7 compartment composite
2 lavatories

3 first class and 4 second class compartments

55'6 x 8'6

Dean bogies

47' wheelbase

CEE7W 10 built in 1901

5 built in 1902 in 2 lots

23 built in 1903 in 3 lots

(7)1472 to (7)1481

(7)1482 to (7)1485


(7)1487 to (7)1492

(7)1493 to (7)1504

(7)1505 to (7)1509

R Spratt collection, 9906 ex7484

R Spratt collection, 9908 ex7502

JN Slinn collection

© GWR/R Spratt - (7)1481

7472, 7474, 7484, 7492, 7502, 7508 to Camping Coaches 9906, 9907, 9904, 9901, 9908, 9902

7 compartment composite
2 lavatories

2 first class, 2 second class and 3 third class compartments

58' x 8'6

Dean bogies

48' wheelbase

CEE7W 5 built in 1904 (7)1634 to (7)1638

Family Saloon

46' x 9'

8'6 Dean bogies

33' wheelbase

Similar to CAA12W but 6" wider 1 built in 1881 248 renumbered 9044 in 1908
G2, No. 9044 © GWR
1936 - 9044 converted to Engineering Inspection Saloon 80973

Family Saloon

also known as
Director's Saloon

56' x 8'6

10' Dean bogies

49'6 wheelbase

Royal Clerestory 1 built in 1894 249 renumbered 9045 in 1907
© GWR Mechanics Institute, Junior Engineering Society

JN Slinn collection

GWR coach G3 249 at Staverton


First Class Saloon

52' x 8'6

10' Dean bogies

44' wheelbase

CEE7W 4 built in 1901

2 built in 1904

(8)300 to (8)303
renumbered 9046 to 9049 in 1908

(8)323 & (8)324
renumbered 9050 & 9051 in 1908

JN Slinn collection
All 6 coaches had 4 extra doors fitted each side between 1915 and 1919

1939 - 9047

1945 - 9051

1948 - 9046, 9050


1939 - 9048


1940 - 9049


Third Class Saloon

46' x 8'6

8'6 Dean bogies

38'6 wheelbase

CEE7W 6 built in 1901

2 built in 1904

2595 to 2600
renumbered 9363 to 9368 in 1908

2593 & 2594
renumbered 9361 to 9362 in 1908

JN Slinn collection
9364 to 9366 sold to War Department in 1918 for use as Pharmacy Cars. When returned and rebuilt in 1921 they became G54.

1939 - 9362, 9363

1945 - 9361

1948 - 9368

1949 - 9367


Family Carriage

45'6 x 8'6

8'6 Dean bogies

37'6 wheelbase

CEE7W 4 built in 1899 (8)227 to (8)230
renumbered 9031 to 9034 in 1907

JN Slinn collection

1939 - 9034

1947 - 9031

1949 - 9033

1957 - 9032


Family Carriage

47'6 x 8'6

8'6 Dean bogies

39'6 wheelbase

CEE7W 4 built in 1900

2 built in 1903

4 built in 1904

(8)223 to (8)226 renumbered 9027 to 9030

(8)221 and (8)222 renumbered 9025 and 9026

(8)217 to (8)220 renumbered 9021 to 9024

JN Slinn collection
(8)217 to (8)222 were built with Westinghouse break as well as Vacuum break

1945 - 9025

1956 - 9029

Guard's lookouts removed became G45

1944 - 9028

1945 - 9023, 9027

1946 - 9021, 9022, 9026, 9030

1952 - 9024


First class Diner
kitchen, pantry and
2 lavatories

56'6 x 8'6

Dean bogies

48' wheelbase

CEE7W 2 built in 1896
(58'6 long)

1 built in 1896

1 built in 1897

2 built in 1899

250 and 251
9501 and 9502



236 and 237
9516 and 9517

© GWR, 9516 ex236

© GWR Mechanics Institute, Junior Engineering Society

© GWR, 237

The history of diners were very complex. All but 235 were rebuilt as composites without lavs in the 1900s.   All condemned by 1931 except 9502 & 9516 which were converted to Cafe Cars, but only for a few years.

7 compartment sleeper with 2 lavatories and side corridor

Later rebuilt with centre gangway

50' x 9'(over bay windows),
8'6 (over doors and ends)

6'4 Dean bogies

39'6 wheelbase

Bay Window 1 built in 1890 Broad Gauge 556

(8)246 renumbered 9042 in 1908

© GWR Mechanics Institute, Junior Engineering Society
At some time the before the Diagram Book was assembled the centre compartment was altered to a kitchen, and it appears to have had 8ft 6in bogies substituted.  This may have been in 1895. - information courtesy of John Lewis

Converted to M20 in 1920


4 compartment first sleeper
with 3 third class compartments
and 2 lavatories

50' x 8'6

8'6 Dean bogies

42' wheelbase

CEE7W 2 built in 1892 Composites (7)1599 & (7)1600
JN Slinn collection
1599 had a kitchen fitted J4/3
1600 converted to second/third composite C11

5 compartment first sleeper
with 2 third class compartments
and 2 lavatories

50' x 8'6

8'6 Dean bogies

42' wheelbase

CEE7W 2 built in 1895 Composites (7)1595 & (7)1596
JN Slinn collection
1595 had a kitchen fitted J4/3
1596 converted to second/third composite C11

4 compartment first sleeper
with 2 third class compartments
a kitchen compartment
and 2 lavatories

50' x 8'6

8'6 Dean bogies

42' wheelbase

CEE7W 2 converted Composites (7)1595 & (7)1599
JN Slinn collection
1595 converted to second/third composite C11
1599 converted to C36

6 compartment composite with 3 lavatories and side corridor

Later rebuilt with centre gangway

56' x 9'(over bay windows),
8'6 (over doors and ends)

10' Dean bogies

48' wheelbase

Bay Window 3 built in 1896/7 (8)241 to 243 renumbered 9037 to 9039 in 1907
© GWR Mechanics Institute, Junior Engineering Society
Condemned in 1931/2

Note: After 1907 first class coaches had 8000 added to their number and composites had 6000 added to their number.

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© 2018 - Richard Spratt - all rights reserved
GWR Corridor Clerestory Coaches -- -- Richard Spratt 2018 -