Great Western Short Coaches

Metro Body Style, Elliptical Roof, Brake with 3 compartments

This style of coach is classified by Lewis as LE4MW.

There are 5 different designs which are fairly easy to tell apart, however they were given by 7 different diagrams. That is because some started life as second class coaches and others were third class.
Diagrams T3 and T4 25' long

16' wheelbase

Diagrams T3 and T4 different from all of the other diagrams as they had a separate Guard's door; all the other designs only had a combined Guard and Luggage double doors.
Diagram T7 26' long

17' wheelbase

Three panels between the double doors and the coach end.
Diagram T8 26' long

17' wheelbase

Two wider panels either side of the double doors and no panels between the compartment windows.
Diagram T9 26' long

17' wheelbase

Two slim panels either side of the double doors and panels between the compartment windows.
Diagrams T15 and T16 28' long

19' wheelbase

One wide panel either side of the double doors and no panels bewteen the compartment windows. Also former compartment has been incorporated in to the guard/luggage van.
Photo courtesy of John Lewis