Great Western Railway Dean Era Coaches

warning: This page is best viewed with a wide screen (greater than 1200 pixels wide).
Note: After 1907 first class coaches had 8000 added to their number and composites had 6000 added to their number.

Diagram Dimensions
Length x Width
Lewis Class. No. Built Numbers
Conversions Scrapping Dates

4 compartment second

later converted to third class

4 wheels

25' x 8'


LA9N 100 built between 1871 and 1872 in 2 lots 287 to 326

327 to 386

Third Class Numbers

R Spratt collection

JN Slinn collection

253 to W6

340, 343, 356, 368, 380 to Brake second

5295, 5353 to Composite

Third 370 became an Engineers Mess Van 14934 in 1914

Third 383 converted to Workman's Coach and Tool Van 80998 in 1907, cond. 1921

1912 to 1931

Details of all the coaches as in the GWR registers:
View first 40 built as Lot 46
View 60 built as Lot 58


5 compartment second/third

4 wheels

28' x 8'
LA9N 6 built in 1875 - 2nd class 1 to 4, 6, 7


JN Slinn collection

1, 2, 6, 7, 212, 213, 214, 215
to T13 in
1878, 1886, 1882, 1886, 1890, 1890, 1880, 1879
4 (ex 2nd no.3), 224 - 1927

211, 331, 517 (ex 3rd no. 4) - 1928

213 - 1929

214 - 1930

227 - 1931

4 built in 1875 - 3rd class

6 converted from T13

212 to 215

211, 213, 214 224, 227, 331 (Workmens coaches)


5 compartment third

6 wheels

28' x 8'
9'6 - 9'6
LA9N approx. 642 built between
1872 & 1884
1 to 8, 11, 13, 14, 16-20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 32-35, 38, 39, 40-45, 47, 51-53, 55-60, 62, 63, 72, 73, 103, 105, 106, 108, 109, 111-118, 120-123, 127-131, 134-138, 140, 141, 144-147, 149, 150, 151, 153, 154, 156-161, 163-169, 171-174, 176, 177, 187, 191, 194, 202, 203, 217-219, 221-223, 236, 277, 307, 310, 318, 355, 356, 362, 379, 381, 382, 384, 385, 389, 390, 392-394, 398, 432, 433, 447, 449, 451, 460, 469, 471, 492, 493, 496, 497, 501, 503, 505, 506, 509, 517, 523, 525, 530, 533, 535, 537-539, 541-543, 546, 547, 555, 576, 634, 678, 701-703, 705, 707-709, 714-724, 726, 728, 729, 730, 731, 734, 735, 737, 739, 741-747, 749-751, 754, 756, 759, 763-765, 767-769, 774, 778, 780, 783, 786, 793-795, 798, 805, 806, 808, 812, 814, 815, 840, 845, 847-850, 901, 903, 904, 908, 910, 914-916, 920, 922-928, 1007, 1008, 1066, 1068, 1080-1099, 1193, 1198, 1201, 1267, 1308, 1309, 1384-1473, 1524-1568, 1599-1648

443 built on a broad gauge chassis renumbered 1976 in 1892 when converted to standard gauge

R Spratt collection

Middle axle removed - S4


T12  694 in 1904, 1644 in 1897

T14  122, 271, 471, 523, 530, 714, 721, 847, 916, 1068, 1097, 1394, 1429, 1432, 1435, 1447, 1467 - ND

857 - 1904

870 - 1912

871 - 1905

874 - 1913

703 converted to Engineering Dept. Coach, Gloucester, 80942, in 1930

1099 converted to Engineering Coach, 14934, in 1920, cond. 1944

1619 converted to Sleeping Van, 80957, in 1930

1625 converted to Mess Van, 80958, in 1930


5 compartment third

4 wheels

28' x 8'

built as 4 compartment third with central luggage compartment

6 wheels

Most had the luggage compartment incorporated into one of the adjacent compartments.  For most conversions there are no dates, the only two dates recorded are 7/1907 & 7/1912.

28' x 8'
9'6 - 9'6
LA9N 24 built 1874

The lot book says 25 were built, but only 24 are recorded in the stock book. The other was built as an S3.

875 - 890, 893 - 900
courtesy of John Lewis

JN Slinn collection

885 to Hounds Van 877, 882 - 1909

886, 887, 895 - 1911

890 - 1912

875, 883, 884, 889, 896, 898 - 1913

876, 893 - 1914

880, 888, 899, 900 - 1915

881 - 1916

878 - 1917

897 - 1920

879 - 1921

894 - 1924


5 compartment third

6 wheels

28' x 8'
9'6 - 9'6
LA7TN 1 built in 1885 (plus possibly some others)

20 built in 1886

20 built in 1886 - on Broad Gauge frames

6 converted from composites in 1909/1911


1649 to 1668

Broad Gauge Nos. - 516 to 535
Converted to Standard Gauge 1891/2 - 1983 to 2002

810, 811, 813, 816, 817, 1425

Richard Spratt collection

JN Slinn collection

1663 and 1995 went to the R&SB in 1913 and were renumbered 4165 and 4170 when they returned in 1923

1208, 1651 and 1665 to 1668 converted to composites no.516 - 521 in 1897

816 & 1661 converted for use by Engineering Dept., 80917 & 80918 in 1931, cond. 1933/4

1992 - 1930

810, 817, 1649, 1653, 1662, 1984, 1988 - 1931

811, 1650, 1650, 1657, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1998, 4165 - 1932

1656, 1664, 1983, 1997 - 1933

813, 1425, 1654, 1661, 1999, 4170 - 1934

1655, 1659 - 1935

1985, 1986, 2000 - 1936

2002 - 1937

1658 - 1938

2001 - 1946


5 compartment third

6 wheels

28' x 8'
9'6 - 9'6
LE7N 20 built in 1887 50, 64, 175, 216, 395 to 397, 424, 548, 549, 732, 740, 753, 757, 758, 770, 771, 782, 796, 1048

© Mike Morton Lloyd

The axle box of the middle axle is just visible above the
middle of the lower footboard.

JN Slinn collection

64 converted to 2nd no.171 in 1897, then to 3rd no.179 in 1910. It was then sent to the R&SB in 1915 and renumbered 4167 when it returned in 1925

549 converted to 2nd no.173 in 1897. Renumbered as 3rd no.819 in 1912

50, 758 - 1931

771, 796 - 1932

753 - 1934

175, 4167 - 1933

396, 548, 740 - 1934

395, 732, 819 - 1935

770 - 1936

1048 - 1938


5 compartment third

6 wheels

28' x 8'
9'6 - 9'6
LA4TN 29 built in 1885

(some may have been built to diagram S6)

23, 110, 132, 139, 148, 170, 477, 498, 706, 711, 733, 736, 738, 752, 772, 785, 801, 809, 906, 921, 1069, 1195, 1206, 1212, 1213, 1218, 1221, 1226, 1307

© PJ Garland RS12/2

© Michael Hull 2011Vintage Carriage Trust

1195 converted to a chalet


JN Slinn collection

110, 132, 139, 170, 477, 498, 706, 733, 752, 785, 809, 1069, 1226, 1307 - 1931

736, 738, 906, 921 - 1932

148, 772, 1218 - 1933

23, 1221 - 1934

1195 - 1935

1206, 1212 - 1936

1213 - 1938


5 compartment third

4 wheels

28' x 8'
LE7N 10 built in 1891

10 built in 1894

10 built in 1894

20 built in 1895

2 built in 1896

11 built in 1900

15 built in 1902

5 built in 1902

2 converted from composites

305, 320, 335, 386, 478, 480-483, 490




3601, 3602

902, 917, 930-934, 936-939

973-976, 978, 980-982, 984-990

977, 992-994, 996


12 ex 6197

92 ex 5076

An S9 in use by the Loco, Carriage & Wagon Dept, Yeovil.  It has had a pair of windows added into the end.

JN Slinn collection

To seconds in 1899:

320 -> 77
2707 -> 50
2710 -> 45
2735 -> 49
2736 -> 76
2759 -> 46
2773 -> 53
2774 -> 52

then to composites

except to thirds in 1910:

5045 -> 204
5049 -> 190
5050 -> 188
5052 -> 183

936 to Ballast Workman's Coach, Central Wales Division, 80952

977 to Mess Van 14928

980 to Engineering Department Mess Van 14138

985 to Workman's coach for Plymouth Division Engineering Dept. 14913

2769 to Breakdown Van 61 in 1935

482 - 1924

2702, 2741 - 1931

2703 - 1932

988, 2742 - 1933

989, 2708, 2737, 2740, 2767 - 1934

190, 974, 401, 403, 483, 490, 981, 2709, 2738, 2739, 2771, 2772 - 1935

478 - 1936

2757, 2758, 2768 - 1938

2743, 2770 - 1939

2705 - 1948

2706, 2776 - 1949

2766 - 1951

2775 - 1953


4 compartment third

6 wheel

29' x 8'
9'6 x 9'6
LA9N 96 converted from R2
between 1912 to 1923

The stock register is not clear if the removal of the middle axle and conversion to workmen's third occurred at the same time or at different times.

XX converted from U14 in 1915

455, 466, 473, 521, 522, 603, 612, 627, 633, 645, 684, 4174
522 sent to R&SB in 1919 and renumbered 4174 when it returned in 1923

603 sent to R&SB in 1917 and allocated 4197, but not renumbered, when it returned in 1923

645 to Pilot Van in 1918

627 - Body for Military Shelter

684 converted to 80939 in 1924

627 - 1914

466 - 1915

521 - 1917

612 - 1920

633 - 1922

603(4197) - 1924

4174 - 1925

455, 473 - 1928


4 compartment workmen's third

6 wheel

292, 504, 565, 592, 618, 687 None504, 565 - 1924

292, 592 - 1927

618 - 1928

687 - 1930


4 compartment third

4 wheel

29' x 8'
380, 436, 486, 502, 504, 525, 527, 528, 549, 551, 559, 562, 591, 594, 608, 611(no. used twice), 618, 621, 626(no. used twice), 627, 635(no. used twice), 640, 641, 647, 648, 654, 655, 656, 670(no. used twice), 671, 672, 681, 683, 686, 688, 699, 700

472, 508, 633, 659, 681 from U14

528 sent to R&SB in 1915 and renumbered 4178 when it returned in 1924

380, 436, 486, 686 - Bodies for Military Shelters

656 sold to Tredegar Iron & Coal Co. in 1925

380, 436, 626 - 1914

486, 633, 686 - 1915

640 - 1917

626, 641, 699 - 1920

472, 502, 562, 594, 627, 635, 648, 654, 671, 700 - 1921

559, 608, 611, 621, 655, 670, 672, 688 - 1922

527, 551, 618, 659 - 1923

681 - 1924

525, 549, 647 - 1925

591, 683 - 1926

611 - 1927

635 - 1928

4178 - 1929

508 - 1930

504 not recorded


4 compartment workmen's third

4 wheel

245, 290, 299, 361, 408, 434, 436, 438(no. used twice), 452, 458, 522, 526, 527, 529(no. used twice), 550, 560, 561, 566, 568, 598, 599, 600, 608, 609, 613, 616, 621, 641(no. used twice), 642, 643, 644, 668, 670, 671, 673, 682, 691, 855

638 from U14

438 - Body for Military Shelter 438 - 1915

438, 529 - 1924

616 - 1925

642 - 1926

361, 434, 436, 522, 527, 560, 561, 566, 598, 599, 613, 621, 638, 668, 670, 671, 682 - 1927

245, 408, 452, 458, 526, 529, 550, 568, 600, 608, 641, 643, 644, 673 - 1928

290, 299, 609, 691, 855 - 1929


5 compartment third

30' x 8'
LE7N 10 built in 1895

3 converted from composites in 1910/12

2745 to 2754

10, 15, 404


JN Slinn collection

2745 converted to 2nd no.51 in 1899, then to composite no.6205 in 1910.

2748 converted to composite no.135 in 1898

2749 converted to composite no.137 in 1898

10, 404, 2747, 2750, 2752, 2754 - 1932

2751 - 1934

2746 - 1937

2753 - 1938


5 compartment third

30'1" x 8'
LE7N 2 built in 1894 2043 & 2044

JN Slinn collection

None 2044 - 1932

2043 - 1938


5 compartment third

31' x 8'
LE7N 3 built in 1894 2045 to 2047

JN Slinn collection

None 2045, 2047 - 1932

2044 - 1933


4 compartment third with 2 lavatories and luggage space

6 wheels

31' x 8'
11' - 11'
LE7N 5 converted from T52 1694 to 1697, 1699

JN Slinn collection

None 1695, 1699 - 1932

1697 - 1933

1696 - 1934

1694 - 1935


4 compartment third with 2 lavatories and luggage space

6 wheels

31' x 8'
11' - 11'
LA7TN 2 converted from T51 in 1894 2033, 2038

A survivor arriving at the Llanelli and Mynydd Mawr Railway photo © Kevin Stroud 2004 Vintage Carriage Trust

JN Slinn collection

None 2033, 2038 - 1931

4 compartment second

later converted to third class

4 wheels

24' x 8'6"
LE4MW 4 built in 1887

8 built in 1889 in 3 lots

Second class numbers:
9, 11, 32, 35

14 to 17

19, 21

36, 39

Final Third class numbers:
186, 198, 205, 269

270, 277, 278, 1455

193, 1449

197, 412

courtesy of John Lewis

JN Slinn collection


To composites

412 - 1931

193, 269, 278, 1449, 1455 - 1932

186, 197, 270 - 1933

198, 205 - 1935


5 compartment second or third

4 wheels

25' x 8'6"
LE4MW Built as Second Class:

12 in 1893

2 in 1894

4 in 1896

4 in 1896

4 in 1897

6 in 1897/8

4 in 1898

4 in 1898

54 to 65

73, 74

85 to 88

93 to 96

97 to 100

106 to 111

112 to 115

120 to 123

Third Class Numbers

JN Slinn collection

R Spratt collection

JN Slinn collection

252 sent to R&SB in 1920 and renumbered 4156 when it returned in 1924

2759 was converted to Wireless Van no. 40572

2773 was converted to M&T Van no. 173



Built as Third Class:

18 in 1893

3 in 1894

6 in 1896

6 in 1896

6 in 1897

9 in 1897/8

6 in 1898

6 in 1898

2711 to 2728

2729 to 2731

2777 to 2782

2783 to 2788

2789 to 2794

303, 304, 311, 2795 to 2800

319, 321, 325, 327, 328, 333

340, 341, 343 to 345, 347

343 & 2787 sent to R&SB in 1920 and renumbered 4158 & 4198 when they returned in 1924

327, 340, 2712, 2719, 2723, 2724, 2791, 2792, 2798 to T4

2716, 2726, 2799, 2800 to T1

2789 - 1903

2725 - 1929

2720, 2731 - 1930

311, 2722 - 1931

344, 2714, 2727, 2782, 4158, 4198 - 1932

2711, 2785 - 1933

2717, 2788 - 1934

2715 - 1936

2713, 2729, 2730, 2784, 2786 - 1938

2721, 2781 - 1939

2797 - 1940

2790 - 1944

2718, 2777 - 1945

2793, 2794 - 1948

2728 - 1949

2796 - 1952


5 compartment second or third

4 wheels

26' x 8'6"
LE4MW Built as Second Class:

3 in 1893

12 in 1894

2 in 1894

3 in 1895

41 to 43

45 to 53, 75 to 77

78, 79

82 to 84

Third Class Numbers

JN Slinn collection

© HMRS S90

JN Slinn collection

316 to 3 compt bk 3rd - T8

To workmans's: 79, 285, 459, 2749

To workman's with brake handle fitted in place of 1 seat: 285 - painted brown in 1934 & 1941

489 was sold to Tredegar iron & Coal Co. in 1925

Built as Third Class:

6 in 1887

18 in 1888

6 in 1889

6 in 1889

1 in 1893

3 in 1894

1 in 1895

210, 235, 445, 520, 710, 755

178, 295, 421, 536, 545, 787, 791, 792, 1049, 1271, 1313, 1321, 1327, 1334, 1348, 1365, 1669, 1670

426, 467, 909, 1033, 1196, 1197

25, 272, 391, 448, 797, 995


2732 to 2734


295, 791 to T5

710, 787, 792, 1049, 1334 to 3 compt bk 3rd - T8

Renumbering: 1669 to 2755, 1670 to 2756 - both in 1895

To workmens's: 323, 545, 797, 1033, 1348, 2734, 2756

To workman's with brake handle fitted in place of 1 seat: 2732

235 - 1901

1033 - 1930

25, 272, 391, 467, 995, 1196 - 1931

210, 421, 426, 520, 536, 909, 1197, 1271, 1321, 1327, 1348, 1365, 2732, 2734 - 1932

178, 323, 448, 2755, 2756 - 1933

755 - 1934

445, 545 - 1935

797, 2733 - 1936

302 - 1937

1313 - 1950


5 compartment third (later conversion workmen's thirds

4 wheels

28' x 8'6"
LE4MW 1 converted from U6 in 1902

6 converted from U6 in 1933 to 1938


693, 697, 717, 733, 734, 740, 745


U6 9998 was first converted to a camping coach and then used in departmental use

None 339 - 1929

697 - 1936

717, 745 - 1938

693 - 1939

733 - 1940

734 - 1943

740 - 1945


5 compartment second/third

4 wheels

28' x 8'6"
LA0MW 2 built in 1884 Second class numbers:
166, 167

Third class numbers:
484, 2465

The bottom drawing suggests that coaches 210, 235, 445, 520, 710, 755 were built as S20 rather than S18.  However, the dimensions in the lot book and coaches registers are consistent with them being S18.

JN Slinn collection

courtesy of Mike Barnsley

JN Slinn collection

None 484 - 1922

2465 - 1932


6 compartment third

4 wheels

31' x 8'6"
LA0MW 2 built in 1884 1204, 1205
R Spratt collection

JN Slinn collection

© GWR at Blaenau Ffestiniog

1205 converted to composite no.138 in 1898 with 2x second class and 4x third class compartments
it was converted back to third no.2710 in 1907
1204 - 1929

2710 - 1930

ex R1

no diagram number

4 compartment workmen's third

4 wheels

28' x 8'
LA9N 5 converted from R1 between 1922 & 1926

1 converted from U7 in 1925

291, 298, 300, 336, 640


None 291, 620 - 1927

112, 300, 336 - 1928

ex R3 &
ex U1

no diagram number

4 compartment workmen's third

25' x 8'6
LE4MW 3 converted from R3
in 1932 & 1933

3 converted from U1
in 1932, 1933 & 1936

688, 698, 702, 707, 714, 718
R Spratt collection

707 converted in 1940 to Pilot Van 74 and used in the Lydney breakdown train - see adjacent photograph 714 - 1935

718 - 1936

698, 702 - 1938

688 - 1949

ex R5

no diagram number

4 compartment third

26' x 8'6
LE4MW 1 converted from R5 in 1898 2354 U2 in 1898
ex R5 &
ex U2

no diagram number

4 compartment workmen's third

26' x 8'6
LE4MW 4 converted from R5

4 converted from U2

600, 607, 620, 662, 687, 709, 710, 712 None 600 - 1931

620 - 1932

709, 710, 712 - 1933

607, 662 - 1934

687 - 1936

ex U4

no diagram number

4 compartment workmens's third

4 wheels

26'10 x 8
LE7N 38 converted from U4
R Spratt collection
696 converted to ED Central Wales Div, Caersws, Mess & Sleeping Van, 14146 in 1946

713 converted to Pilot Van 138 in 1942, Acton Goods Mess & Tool Van.

726 Painted brown in 1934 & 738 in 1937

739 & 742 converted to Wireless Vans 40570 & 40571 in 1942

747 converted to Mess & Sleeping Van 215 in 1946, Fitted with seat lockers, tables and shelves, Goldax cooking range. Improvements made in 1952.

748 converted to Mess & Tool Van 14070 in 1945

750 converted to Mess & Tool Van 14149

618 - 1932

659 - 1934

653, 660 - 1935

689, 723 - 1936

690, 699, 700, 722, 739 - 1937

691, 701, 703, 704, 708, 715, 728 - 1938

706, 725, 726, 735, 741 - 1939

716, 724, 732, 736 - 1940

738, 744 - 1945

731 - 1950

719 - 1951

721 - 1952

1931653, 659, 660
1932689, 690, 691, 696, 699, 700, 701
1933703, 704, 706, 708, 713, 715, 722, 723, 724, 725
1934726, 728
1936716, 719, 721, 731, 732, 735, 736
1937738, 739, 741, 742
1938747, 748
ex U4

no diagram number

4 compartment third

4 wheels

1 converted from U4
ex U9

4 compartment third

6 wheels

28' x 8'
9'2 - 9'2
built on old underframes, some 18'5 or 18'6
LA9N 4 converted from U9206, 4190, 4192 & 4195 4190, 4192, 4195 - 1924

206 - 1930

ex U10

4 compartment third

6 wheels

(some 4 wheels)

28' x 8'
9'6 - 9'6


CAA9N 5 converted in 1923 to 1925 from U10243, 866, 4171, 4175, 4199 4171 - 1925

866, 4175 - 1928

4199 - 1929

243 - 1930

ex U11

3 compartment third and (guard &) luggage

28'6 x 8'


LA9N 12 converted from U11, U12 & U13 between 1920 & 1928 521, 564, 569, 591, 597, 610, 611, 619(used twice), 640, 655, 665 Compartments 3rd, 3rd, (Guard & )Luggage, 3rd 521, 564, 597, 619, 640 - 1927

591 - 1928

569, 655, 665 - 1929

610 - 1930

619 - 1931

611 - 1932

ex U16

4 compartment luggage third / workman's third

4 wheels (some 6 wheels)

31' x 8'
LA9N 1 converted from Slip Coach in 1907 (no.695)

44 converted from U15 & U16 between 1915 to 1927

306, 326, 348, 368, 466, 500, 531, 534, 540, 552, 558, 563, 567, 571, 574, 584, 588, 601, 604, 615, 625, 627, 629, 639, 642, 646, 659, 662, 668, 675, 690, 695, 852, 854, 856, 859, 861, 863, 871, 877, 883, 895, 4162, 4168, 4179 534 to R&SB 28 in 1919

625 to R&SB 80 in 1917, renumbered 4196 when returned in 1923

629 to R&SB 78 in 1917, allocated 4194 when returned in 1923

R&SB 28 - 1921

668 - 1922

4194, 4196 - 1924

500, 552, 563, 567, 584, 604, 639, 646, 675, 4162, 4168 - 1927

326, 531, 540, 588, 615, 662, 690, 695, 852, 854, 856, 859, 863, 871, 877, 4179 - 1928

348, 466, 574, 659, 861, 883 - 1929

368, 601, 627, 895 - 1930

ex U17

1 large compartment workman's third

4 wheels

31' x 8'


LA9N 1 converted from U17 in 1926 288 288 - 1929
ex U20

5 compartment workman's third

31' x 8'


LE12CN 1 converted from U20 in 1931 640 640 - 1934
ex U21

4 compartment workman's third

31' x 8'


LA12N 1 converted from U21 in 1931 639
639 ex 6901
The partition between the former luggage compartment and the compartment to the left of it has been removed making it one large compartment. Wooden bench seats have been put around the outside of it.
639 - 1938
ex U28

5 compartment third

31' x 8'

9'6 x 9'6

CAA12N 1 converted in 1930 626 626 - 1932
ex lots 45 and 57

4 compartment third

31' x 8'
9'6 - 9'6
1 converted in 1915 532 532 to R&SB 5 in 1919, renumbered 4159 when returned in 1923 4159 - 1923
lots B, D & O

no diagram number

4 compartment third

4 wheels

21' x 7'6
Worcester 24 built in 1868 in 2 lots

24 built in 1869

27, 224 - 234

76, 79, 237 - 246

247 - 270

lot S

no diagram number

4 compartment third

4 wheels

21'6 x 7'6
Worcester 24 built in 1869 331 - 354
lot 11

no diagram number

5 compartment third

6 wheels

26' x 7'6
LA9S 30 built in 1870 425 - 450
lots 22 & 24

no diagram number

4 compartment second

4 wheels

23' x 7'6
LA9S 55 built in 1870 in 2 lots 5, 7, 9, 12, 14 - 18, 20, 31, 37, 39, 43 - 46, 48, 52, 64 - 66, 155, 164, 168

13, 33, 36, 53, 54, 56, 58, 59, 62, 68, 69, 75, 80, 84, 88 - 90, 92, 93, 102, 107, 118, 129, 130, 131, 137, 140, 145, 147, 149

lot 30

no diagram number

4 compartment second

4 wheels

25' x 7'6
LA9S 40 built in 1870 247 - 286

Under Construction.  This project is definitely work in progress. My research is on-going and I am slowly putting everything I have researched about 4 & 6 wheel coaches on these webpages. If you would like to receive an email when I update these pages please contact me in the Carriage Shed.

© 2018 - Richard Spratt - all rights reserved
GWR Coaches -- -- Richard Spratt